Saturday 10 July 2010

Chapter 1: Protecters of the Peace

The Jedi's boots smash into the snow, as a laser whacks into the bridge he was just on. He turns around and grip with the force to pull the ship into the ground, slowly the force crushes the ship, its windscreen cracks, steam blows out of its vents. It stops infront of the jedi as his orange saber ignites, the robed man steps out of the ship, he holds the body of the jedi's pilot in one heart, his heart in the other, he drops both and steps on the heart, his crimson robes ripple and his lightsaber is pulled from his belt, is his masked face reveals no emotion, if there is any to be revealed. His blade ignites with a crackle, its red blade matching his robes. The Jedi waits as the robed man taunts him then pulses at the force just as the man mirrors him. They share one thing, Hatred. This Jedi hangs close to the dark side, they charge and the blades clash, the man goes for a punch but the jedi pushes at the force in his face, forcing him back. He smashes into the rock Pillar. The man slides down to the ground, his face, it is the face of Corban Zeal. This Jedi's padawan.

4 Months earlier...

"Focus your energy on the dummy, use it as a puppet, make it your play thing and do with it as you will."
Corban clasped the force around the dummy and lifted it up by the leg and pulled it to him, he prepared his saber for the kill, but then the dummy changed into a person.
Corban awaked covered in sweat, his masters hand on his head.